Elizabeth Thornton
Kindergarten Teacher
Courses Taught:
Kindergarten General Education
Welcome to my web page! My name is Elizabeth, and I have been teaching children since 2003. My Bachelor's Degree is in Early Childhood Education, Master's Degree is in Media and Technology, Specialist Degree is in Early Childhood Education, and my Doctorate is in the process. I also have an ESOL Endorsement. Teaching is what I was born to do, and I truly love it. My assistant is Lisa Gordon. She is such a joy to work directly with on a daily basis. Thank you for visiting my web site.
Please email me if you have a question.
March 13, 2020
We will be having Digital Learning Days for the next few weeks. Here are a few links that will allow your child to work from home. We love you all!
CES Intranet
Kindergarten Home Learning